Mr. Lim is a Malaysian Chinese born in 1987. He graduated from the National
University of Malaysia as a Bachelor Degree in Physics and had a Master Degree.
in Energy of Technology. He has been practicing and working as Solar PV
Designer in the Solar PV industry since 2012. He is also a Qualified Person (QP)
in Designing and Installation for On-Grid Solar PV System certified by local
He was first introduced to Solar PV Energy during his high school. Inspired by
Solar PV concept; “Everybody can generate their own electricity at home”, he
was attracted by the beauty of Solar PV which then became an important
milestone of his career life. He likes to do DIY experiment and researches on Solar
PV related field. He is currently learning Arduino micro-controller programing
which is very useful supplement knowledge to Solar PV System especially in this
automation & Artificial Intelligent (AI) era. It allows us to have full
control in design and application based on our idea and concept.
The Author currently creating a documentation of his knowledge, findings, ideas and his own perception to share around the world. He feels that knowledge should be made available and share among others. You can reach him at [email protected]